Friday, October 28, 2005

The Way I See It # 42

This quote on the back of the starbucks cup has yet again caused me to go humm. It is pretty interesting ways to prompt the question as to what rights do living breathing creations have. I personally think all living things have rights; not giving rights to all living creatures is to say because this living creature is not human is why it does not have rights. To use that as a reason to not give a living creature rights is not justifiable logic. There has to be more involved than we are a high species and because of this we have the right to pick and choose. At times we each need to think with logic and not fear mixed with emotions. Each creature needs the other to live because as John Donne stated " No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is peece of the Continent, apart of the maine." The need to have the "great chain of being" to determine where each living creation needs to be is not necessary. What is necessary is to determine what each living creature has to offer, apply it to where it is needed and create laws and regulations to prevent chaos. I want to know, who are we as humans to determine who does and does not have rights. I'm just going to say that.
Well here is the quote that started me thinking it is by David Liss Author or A Spectacle of Corruption and The Coffee Trader;

We know that chimpanzees possess language, culture, and self-awareness, so why don't we afford them rights? The most common argument is that if we give chimps rights, the next thing you know we'll be giving rights to squirrels. It seems to me, however, a pretty poor decision to deny rights to those who deserve them lest we accidentally afford them to those who don't.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Do not go where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave
A trail
- R.W Emmerson

These last few days have been a bit of a “sign” giving moment. Yesterday I was walking around the building at work and a guy walks beside me. Here I am walking in my own world and minding my own business. I guess at time I look like the world is caving in on me when I focus outside of myself. Well I am turning the corner and the guy that is walking beside me says, “hold up towards God”. I smile and say ,”of course” and “Thanks”, but what he said to me caught me off guard especially since I said that this past Fridays incident was a sign. I just don’t know what to think about all of this but I know that no matter how much pushing the powers that be do I am not changing my stance on what I think. People may say if there is this much going on because you will not conform to the “norm” maybe your views are incorrect. I guess if I were to conform to what I was taught to learn maybe I would not need all of these “signs”. I need to know before I decide to do that if what I know is true. Sometime faith is not all a person needs to survive. There are answers that make sense to each individual person before they are to conform and a lot of the times with religion it is vague answers that do not help the confusion. I will take this one day at a time and make an educated and concise decision.