Friday, July 11, 2008


Can security come from change
to really understand and make a stance
fighting for sanity, respect, and equality
all the while screaming the opposite
to be the image of mental perfection
all the while living a false story
wanting so bad to have what one thinks he/she should
the life of the social plan.
How can the plan come to be when there are so many roads to obtain the
picturesque life?
Trying to climb while there is no security from change
questioning if the change is really worth it or worth it to remain the same
the inner turmoil when each say ," We're happy" when deep down the happiness
is only temporay like a CD being put on auto repeat to remain true
because the moment that CD stops the inner self is free to begin the need to feel secure
other thoughts race in
in the thoughts race
can one be true to their self ,when self wants to be loved, paid attention to, and so much more from another being including self when the end result is compromise or being alone.
While being alone one wants to change the stance of being clear and remaining true
while being in a compromise one wants to change and be alone so being true to self is intact.
Seemingly life is a big contradiction with small aspect being held on to no matter what the cost for self righteousness of being an individual or individually staying true to the concpet of being honest.When honestly we are all liars fighting a why to fit into an imperfect box in a bias world to be what we're told is happiness for success.