Monday, November 20, 2006

Direct approch, not working

M: Come on now baby how me and you going to get some where if we can be for each other
M: I should not have to twist your arm for you to tell something heavy on your mind

Me: I’m not asking you to twist my arm. When I am ready to talk I’ll talk. I said that I can not talk to you now because I am at work but you didn’t read that and kept on texting what you wanted to.
M: And I’m sick of waiting for you to get ready to do something to bring us closer.

Me: You know what, if you respected or understood me then you have made your decision by your comment. I am not going to jump to what you want when I have clearly explained previously my stance. You want what I can not at this point give. Yet you push it’s driving me crazy. you’re a good person and if my timing was right Id say yes but im not going to appease your needs because you say what you believe you are and I am supposed to run into your arms and believe it’s going to be ok. No I do not operate let that any more. I’ve learned that running before assessing the weather causes issues for both people. I’d rather worth through my sh** and be a better person for whom ever I marry because dating the way I have been for the last 6 years isn’t working. I have begun to recognize the start the middle and the ending because I have been constantly going through it. Every 1 has lines and as sincere as they appear to be I must pray and wait on God. Since He hasn’t told me to move so I stand. Look what ever you see in me is nice and I need to first believe in you and 2 believe your words.

M: Well what do you want me to tell you? Sounds like your only thinking about yourself, what about my needs as a man who is trying to be your man.

Me: I mean who I to think about am. I am single there are two things to think about me and God. Your asking me to buy a car with out researching it, driving it , making sure it fits into my budget, making sure I want to drive it five years from now and ect. Come on, this same principal applies to a potential mate. If you can not understand my stance, fine. I see your point and I empathize with you but I will not change my mind.

M: You are tripping and will be waiting forever. I am a strong man but not that strong

Me: That’s what you believe and to prevent torturing you and hearing these remarks on a constant basis I don’t what you talking to me. Strength is consistent no matter what.

M: No its not you are going off your pass relationships
M: Well I don’t know what to tell you. Im a good man and I want to be good to you but it’s tiring to make you see that.

Me: I never said you were a bad person and I told you have hang ups. Well again let me give you your rest by giving you the freedom to pursue a woman who can give you what it is you need/want.

M: I need you in every way
M: I need bay cant you understand that
M: No problem but I don’t need you to give me anything you’re tripping

Me: Apparently I do because you fail to even empathize with my stance and grow patience and
when you claimed that you did it was a façade. Why, because here we are again having a conversation you told me you were going to give me patience on. You’ve proved my point exactly. I understand you have needs but to ask a person who has hang ups to jump into something is crazy. You see, you want, and you think you must have now, yet when I have been trying to tell you logically why you can’t pursue and to wait an issue arises because you’re a man who has needs. Can’t you see beyond your needs enough to know that to get product you have to wait for the right season for it to grow. That means while you’re waiting you need to nurture and mature that produce tree. Nope you won’t because you see with short vision and that will not acquire anything till you do. I needed to tell you to move on because you will not understand me as you claim you have been.

M: no I can’t
M: From you
M: I already have

I can see from my own side that maybe M has a valid point. I have also gained a sense of insight to the root of my problems, yet I refuse to take the blame on this one. Before I dive into this let me trail back to what happened here. We meet on an online community and exchanged yahoo msgr id’s. M seemed like a nice person with cool qualities until he let his “right now” emotions take the best of him. I guess he assumed that because my profile included what I was looking for (mind you it was not the right now but in the future) he assumed that I was looking for a relationship. In my profile I never implied that I needed to be with anyone (even though deep down inside I do), because I knew I was not ready. From the first conversation it clear we were going to be friends. I express why, he pushed for more. They type of conversation for that last week has become our “dance”. The more he brought it up the more of a broken record I have been come. It has come to the point that his text message, calls, and im’s are annoying me. Mind you I have told him this has started to bother me and to stop but has it, nope. So this am I get a hello how are you text. I tell him I have been thinking and this is the rest of the story. Even after it ends he’s back trying again. Now I am stuck trying to get rid of him. yeah I know the typical ignore method doesn’t work for me because I hate being ignored and can not bring myself to do it to someone else. Gosh can some people take a direct approach.

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