Friday, November 16, 2007

Little Minded People

I’ve never been the one for drama which is why I’m pretty upfront as well I only let a small number of people in my inner circle.
See my issue with large number of people is the different personalities and the ability for people to speak, idiotically.
Now I am not the one for confrontation because I know when I am upset I am not logical and reason will fly out the door( which is why the tell 'em how you feel when you feel is always my rule).
I hate when people speak indirectly about you instead of directly to you. Like I am supposed to understand that you’re talking about me. Like your words actually hold some kind of fear factor.
I hate when people have an issues and will be in the same vicinity as I am and say nothing. Duck and dodge the situation when it’s there the whole time but need a crowd to show how “mighty” they are not. This is all cause people are insecure and depend on others to make them a better person.
So when these pathetic people feel bad about their own lives or who they are as a person they have to agitate the cream of the crop.
That’s why I prefer emotionally stable, mature, self confident, strong willed people, positive, like minded people around me. Messing around with child like people makes a girl want to become violent and if you know me it takes a lot for me to become violent.
Don’t misunderstand my words as if what a dumb ass had to INDIRECTLY say to me bothers me, my problem is that I could not make my issues known because of small children in the vicinity. That’s the difference I am an adult who can respect a child than start a fight to stand my ground and principles. Where a small feeble minded people start drama in their own home around their own children cause they couldn’t say something prior to getting home.
Now the disrespectful thing is to make a comment around people that have nothing to do with the issues you have with me. Making a scene when your kids are around because you can’t handle your imaginary problems with out protection is frankly , pathetic.
I don’t like low self esteem females cause that is where all the drama insures from their inability to deal with themselves before dealing with the world. Causing problems to make themselves feel better is not going to change the fact that you’re a nobody in your own eyes
If you must ask what is the real issue: well it is , if people cant be an adult and come talk to me about issues but need to act foolish to handle their issues like a child and think they have the upper hand is the issue that has pissed me off.