Friday, July 21, 2006

Women as friends

I've wondering why women have issues making new friends.
The last few months I have been trying to make new friends with any female.
I don’t know what it is about the inability to just walk up to a girl and say, hello.
Even if I was to tell her that her style is nice and try to engage in a conversation I am being treated as if I am a lesbian, which is not the case at all.
I just want a relationship that I see on most all female shows i.e. girlfriends or sex in the city however it's just not possible. Maybe it’s because some women don’t like other women.
Think about it when two women walk by, one say hello and the other acts as if it is beneath them to respond back.
To simply have kindness between each other even though they are not in the same "click”.
Or the confusion with my kindness as a come on. I know its ruff out thee is the world and it’s hard to trust another person but how will you know unless an effort is placed,
It’s been a while since I’ve heard someone say “You know like that is my girl from way back, someone I can really depend on”.
I am not trying to be like the others take you man and talk about you behind your back yet that seems to be the main reason why women can be friends, the misconceptions we have created about ourselves which stops us from helping each other as a collective.


Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about this myself. Women seem to have trouble both at making and keeping friends. Most of the women that I know don't have any real close friends. They are more or less just have aquintences where as, I have had the same block of friends my whole life.

Lamplighter said...

hey thanks for stoppin by. yeah politics is my niche, definitely. its the only thing i feel passionate about. and what do u mean whats up with the pic?
i definitely agree with u about women being more selective with their friends. with guys, the process is expedient if there is a common ground. Whether it is work, sports, politics, etc.