Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Care about being fat? Well,yes I do!

I didn't know there was a war on fat. Why, does everything in American society see to be a war on something or another? The meaning of war is a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end. Where are the opposing forces that are stopping people from their particular end? It frustrates me when labels are placed upon things to give it a huge hype. There is no war going on with fat instead it is people and their inability to make a decision that is best for them. Now, I am not stating there is a small few that have a disease that prevents them from loosing weight as easily as the rest of us. But to label every one who is fat as having a disease is wrong. The author indicates that "…America's spreading waistline is at least a plus for anti-fat-discrimination efforts?" I have to agree with the author yes this is a plus for anti-fat-discrimination but society and each person needs to take responsibility for this behavioral issue.

Reading the article I was outraged that there is a fat activist group called NAAFA (Nation Association to Advance Fat Acceptance). They want the general public to accept them being fat. Now, personally I am fat but I am not going to join an organization that condones my wrong doing. I don't have a disorder but instead I can be lazy and make wrong food choices. If there are going to be organizations that condone wrong doing why not allow the KKK to be an acceptable organization. I know it is a bit of a far stretch there but really look at the facts. Each has odd ideals that they believe should be allowed in American society and should not be. Yes, it is understandable to be upset and want to empower yourselves and others but not by forcing ridiculous ideals to justify what each person is doing is right because it is not.

Another point that aggravates me that fat people has allowed the *diet and medical industry to make $46 billion a year. Listen stop being lazy and hoping there is a miracle cure for laziness, poor decision making, and inability to stick to a goal for the rest of your life.

Which brings me to my next point, I have a co-worker who was heavy and got the gastric bypass surgery. The funny thing is 3 months before the surgery she needed to loose 50lbs to be considered eligible to have the procedure done. The shocking thing was she was able to lose the 50lbs during the 3 month period and the kicker here is she did it with eating right and exercising. She is not the only person I know that has lost weight just to be considered for that stupid surgery. Now I'm thinking if a person can loose weight for a surgery that has more complications and restrictions to their life, why they can't apply those methods to every day life. No one ever said life is easy so doing the right thing the right way never is.
O my apalment towards this surgery is worse when people applaud them for doing the surgery. Well , not me because the flip side to this is yes you did the surgery but did you fix the internal issues that caused you to get the size your are, most of the time the answer is no. So here you have a mass amount of people getting a quick fix but not fixing the main issues this is the problem of each person, medical professionals, and the diet industry. They do not fix the underlying issues but instead mask the issues with a quick fix or finger point. Come on now take responsibility for yourself, your actions and contributions to the cause which is obesity.

*Obesity is due to over consumption and yet no one attacks the $900 billion food industry. If people would not eat almost 3,000 calories a day and force the food industry to be responsible for the food that is being created that may help as well. Yet the point still remains each person needs to be responsible to their own actions. Remember this is a lifestyle choice not something you're born with and can not get out of. Making all of the excuses in the world will not change the fact that you as a person are responsible to yourself.

I truly believe if each person is accountable for what they do and actually care it may help with people to stop becoming more and more overweight. I have been skinny and fat.Now being fat again, I see no benefits in staying that way, let alone the health risk of being fat plus I just don't like the way I look to myself. I'm not loosing weight to fit a majority belief or because people don't find me attractive;I am making the change because I should be a healthy person. Once I knew this is what I wanted to do ,it caused me to change my mind set and to care what I eat(that is eating in moderation, there is this huge confusion with eating healthy and in moderations which a totally different topic)and work out daily to help myself fight the pounds. Indulge but don't over indulge because life is about balance not how easy you can make it.

* paraphrased from authors words

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because I couldn't find a way to email you (which is fine), I just wanted to make a comment on a post you responded to on Slate about prom.

Being 34 years old and not yet a parent, I TOTALLY loved and greed with your response to the article. You are SOOOOO very correct on the parenting issue. Anyway, great advice!